Vitamin Therapy

fresh vitamin foods

Many people look upon vitamin supplementation as unnecessary or even a waste of time and money. They say that they eat well and get everything they need from their diet. But is it true? Almost certainly not, based on the realities of the world in which we live.

No matter how healthy and fresh our food or “clean” our diet is, crops grown today simply don’t provide the nutritional value they once did. A 2004 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition compared the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s nutritional data for 43 different fruits and vegetables from 1950 and 1999. The minerals calcium, phosphorus and iron all showed “reliable declines” during that period, along with protein, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin C (Scheer & Moss, 2011). Supplementation helps to offset environmental factors that are beyond our control.

This doesn’t mean that you want to randomly “pop” vitamin supplements. Such a haphazard approach can lead to nutrient imbalances and even dangerous excesses (as well as waste your money). That’s why at the Dunetz Wellness Center, we offer advanced nutrient testing to determine your personal deficiencies.

Of course, it’s always best to obtain vitamins and other nutrients from fresh foods, but we can’t turn the clock back to the time of our ancestors when agriculture was simpler and our foods were more nutrient-dense. With our scientific, customized approach, you can be certain that the only supplements you take are those your body needs to thrive. Find out more.


Scheer, R. & Moss, D. (2011). Dirt poor: have fruits and vegetables become less nutritious? Scientific American.