Managing Exercise-Related Muscle Soreness and Pain

Most of us often experience some pain and/or soreness after working out. This condition, known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), is characterized by sore, aching muscles after an intense workout session. As the name suggests, it doesn’t occur immediately, but instead the symptoms begin 24-72 hours after the workout. The good news is that you can ease the symptoms of DOMS by following some simple steps for managing exercise-related muscle soreness and pain.
Arguably, the single most important tip for managing post-workout muscle soreness is to let your body rest. Some people have the mindset that they must work out each and every day, assuming it will lead to bigger muscles. In reality, however, going to the gym day after day will have a negative impact on your muscle growth by slowing down the process.
So, how much rest does your body need between workout sessions? A good rule of thumb is to wait at least 48 hours when lifting weights; otherwise, you run the risk of further damaging your muscles. You can also work out different parts of your body on different days to aid your recovery.
Stay Hydrated
Muscle soreness is often the direct result of dehydration — and just because you aren’t thirsty doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t dehydrated. Studies have shown that up to 70% of the U.S. population goes throughout their day in a state of mild dehydration. Failure to provide your body with the water it needs will take its toll on your health, causing muscles to cramp up and restricting the flow of vital nutrients.
You might be surprised to learn that acupuncture can help with exercise-related muscle aches and pains. This centuries-old form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) involves the placement of thin needles in various acupuncture points, which in turn stimulates the body’s own self-healing process. And contrary to what some people may believe, acupuncture is a completely painless procedure. In fact, many people say it’s soothing.
Massage Therapy
Of course, massage therapy may also prove useful in combating exercise-related muscle aches and pains. A massage therapist will manipulate the affected muscles and surrounding tissue, kneading out knots and tension. Not only will this reduce pain, but it will also reduce inflammation and stress.
Contact our patient coordinator to review what Dr Rodney and the Dunetz Wellness Center – Acupuncture Boca Raton can do to help you managing exercise-related muscle soreness and pain.
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