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Dr Rodney’s 7 Healthy Habits


Here are “Dr Rodney’s 7 Healthy Habits” that can improve everyone’s life a little more.

#1) Clean Out Your Food Pantry

The first step in adopting healthier habits is to clean out your pantry, tossing any and all junk food. This includes potato chips, cookies, doughnuts, pastries, ice cream, candy bars, and other empty-calorie items.

#2) Stock Up On Nutritious Foods

Once you’ve cleared out all of the highly processed foods from your pantry, it’s time to replace them with nutritious choices. A good rule of thumb when shopping at the grocery store is to stick to the perimeter of the market, as this is typically where the fresh produce and meats are stored.

#3) Kick The Soda

You might be surprised to learn that drinking just a single 12-ounce soda per day can add as much as 15 pounds to your waistline over the course of a year. While the exact nutritional content (or lack thereof) varies depending on the particular brand/product, it’s not uncommon for some sodas to contain 35 plus grams of sugar. This high concentration of sugar, combined with the fact that soda has zero nutritional value, makes it a poor choice of beverage. Plus it’s disastrous for your joints. Instead of drinking sodas or other sugar drinks, try to get into the habit of drinking water.

#4)  Regular Physical Activity (aka Exercise)

We can’t talk about healthy habits without mentioning being physically active and exercise. Regular bouts of physical activity will burn calories, build muscle, and reduce your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other problems. In addition, it’s a great antidepressant

#5) Start Your Day With Breakfast

No, it’s not just a saying, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, but for many it is. It supplies your body with the nutrients and energy it needs to function.  Avoid convenient breakfast bars and other processed foods.

#6) Relax

Stress can take its toll on your body in several different ways, raising your blood pressure, triggering hormonal imbalances, encouraging weight gain, and disrupting normal sleeping patterns. The next time you feel stressed, close your eyes and perform some deep breathing exercises.  This will go a long ways in relieving stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever the day has to throw your way. Consider adding a meditation practice to your daily schedule.

#7) Acupuncture

Consider another step to adopting healthier habits and seek the professional services of a licensed acupuncturist. From improving blood circulation to warding off stress and anxiety, the benefits of this centuries-old Traditional Chinese  Medicine (CTM) are endless.

Let Dr Rodney and the Dunetz Wellness Center get to the root of your health problems with “State of the Art” nutritional testing!

Contact our patient coordinator to review what the Dunetz Wellness Center – Acupuncture Boca Raton has for you. 

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